Daenerys targaryen is a fictional character in george r. r. martin's a song of ice and fire series of novels, as well as the television adaptation, game of thrones. Game of thrones 6x09 - daenerys and her three dragons against the slave masters at meereen - duration: 9:22. kristina r 743,782 views. Daenerys targaryen mother of dragons part three - duration: 53:11. daenerys targaryen: facts & theories behind her birth - duration: 15:19..
'game of thrones' daenerys targaryen is a feminist first, mother of dragons second. why daenerys targaryen is the baddest feminist bitch in all the land.. Emilia clarke is a british actress. she was born in london and grew up in berkshire, england. her father is a theatre sound engineer and her mother is a.