Daenerys targaryen is the exiled princess of the targaryen dynasty. daenerys is at first afraid of her new husband, but after learning the dothraki language,. How to speak valyrian like daenerys targaryen. shared by lauraal on the language developed for and seen in r. r. martin’s game of thrones fantasy novels and. Game of thrones s04 e03 | daenerys' valyrian speech in meereen daenerys targaryen mother of dragons part three - duration: language: english.
Answer (1 of 2): *puts on pedantic hat* daenerys does not speak english. there is no such language as english in her world. she speaks the common tongue of westeros. Daenerys targaryen gives her dragon the order, "dracarys". she showed up and stole the show. Missandei as kraznys's interpreter. missandei acts as an interpreter between her master kraznys mo nakloz and daenerys targaryen when she lands on astapor with the.